Thursday, January 30, 2014

Design Draft


  1. overall, amazing job! All of your pictures are awesome and I really like how a bunch of them have a blue/green tone. I don't have any critiques, so keep up the good work!

  2. I really like these because they look like real covers but with a sense of humor. I like all of the filters but maybe next time play around with editing some of them less so we can see the original.

  3. These are great. They all look like legitimate posters and covers.You manage to have the fonts match the photo, place text well, use good photos, and add good details. Great Se

  4. really great photos. i think its very creative how you you used part of an actual movie advertisement in your 4th photo. i think that your weakest photo is your 3rd because i dont understand the reference.

  5. Good job, some of these I could believe were real advertisements!
