Thursday, September 19, 2013

street abstract #3

 for this post, I continued my street abstract. these 6 photos are some of my favorite ones. I worked on angle and contrast. each of the photos have different angles and use vary in lighting.


  1. Great start. I think that in your next batch you can explore getting closer to your objets. in the abstraction set you shouldn't be able to tell what the object is and where it is. like in your second to last photo if you would have gotten closer to get a nice texture and also so the viewer cant tell that its a pole on a street.

  2. All of these photos are crazy bring and dark at the same time. I really like them. I like how both the brightness and darkness are extreme and how they collaborate, nice job!

  3. Great photos Hadley. These are great however i feel like you could create more abstract images by getting a little closer to the image.
